Enjoying a quiz and lunch at Fife Carers Centre |
Caring with confidence for someone living with Daibetes Information session led by Tessa Kidd |
Male Carers conference in Dunfermline |
We are thrilled to tell you that we have been successful in our grant bid to The Big Lottery Fund! They have agreed to give us money over the next 5 years that will pay for 1 full time and 2 part time staff plus a range of activities, information sessions and workshops for carers. The funding makes up a third of our essential funding with the remaining coming from NHS Fife and Fife Council. In addition to these funding sources we have continuing generous support from individuals and from various fundraising events that we use to pay for therapies offered to carers around Fife. We are really grateful to all our funders and are looking forward to being able to build on our successes of the past.
What kind of things will we be doing? We’re developing a training and information schedule that will look at many aspects of carers lives and help them be better able to deal with problems from practical things like dealing with financial crisis to personal skills development such as confidence building.
We think we’re on the right track with our plans as we have based them on feedback from carers during the past three years but it would be a tremendous help if you would let us know if there is anything you think we could be looking at as a topic for carers to learn more about. Just drop us an email to lesley@fifecarers.co.uk or by telephone on 01592 642999.