Thursday, 25 June 2009

Caring for someone living with Dementia

We have some new dates for the "Caring for someone living with Dementia" one day workshops for carers. The workshops, which are free, are run in conjunction with Alzheimer Scotland and take place in the Fife Carers Centre in Kirkcaldy. The content of the workshop is designed to help carers better understand what is happening to the brain of someone affected by Dementia, what kind of problems that individual might encounter as well as tips for dealing with some of the behaviours that can be difficult to cope with. In addition carers meet with a group of people experiencing the same kind of thing in their own lives and learn what additional help and support there is for them in and around Fife.
The dates for the upcoming workshops are 17th September 2009, 29th October 2009, 28th January 2010 and 11th March 2010. If you are caring for someone affected by dementia and would like to attend one of these workshops you can sign up for one by telephoning Fife Carers Centre on 01592 642999 or email

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