Friday, 5 November 2010

The Caring Experience Module 2011 for Social Work Students

The Caring Experience module is for first year MSc students and aims to give them an opportunity to understand the experience of caring from the perspective of carers and service users.
The university of Dundee are once again looking for hosts to provide a placement for a student who would work with you over a minimum period of 15 hours in total. The detail of how the student would be involved with you would be agreed between you and the student beforehand.
This is a successful module which has, in previous years, given students a unique opportunity and an experience that remains with them in their training and future work.  The university hope that you will choose to work with them to provide these experiences for the students.
This year, the first session of the course will take place on 7 December 2010 from 10am to 1pm in the Dalhousie Building of the University, room 2S17 .  Please do join them if you can for some or all of this introductory session.  You will be most welcome.
If you would like to take part or have any questions regarding this request, please contact the Programme Secretary, Tracy Sutherland on 01382 381427, or email;

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