Thursday, 16 May 2013

Short Breaks Fund - A Time to Live

If you are a Carer living and caring for an adult in Fife, a funding stream is now available to help with the costs of taking a break from caring. The funding stream is called Time to Live, and this funding is part of the Short Breaks Fund - administered by Shared Care Scotland on behalf of the national carer organisations and the Scottish Government. Locally-based organisations have been asked to manage the fund and Fife Voluntary Action is working with Fife Carers Centre, Crossroads and Fife Young Carers to make sure carers know about the fund and are encouraged to make applications.

You can apply at any time - there are no deadlines, however this Fund is currently scheduled to end in September 2013.

For more information and to download an Application Form and Guidance Notes please visit the Fife Voluntary Action website at

If you have any problems downloading the form or have any initial queries regarding the Time to Live Funding, please contact Isabel Ritchie on 01592 567001.

About Time To Live Funding

 The Scottish Government has made the Short Breaks Fund available to help support and sustain carers (including young carers and kinship carers) through enabling better access to short breaks or respite care. The Fund will be used to help develop existing, new and innovative models of short breaks which will help to support current and future provision of short breaks and respite care. The funding is designed to support a 'preventative' approach to short break provision, recognising the importance of planned breaks in promoting good health and wellbeing for carers and those they care for. The funding is being tried out in twelve different areas in Scotland, and it is hoped that the learning from the Short Breaks Fund projects will inform future policy and practice.


 Time to Live Funding has the following aims:

• Carers and those they care for will have improved physical and emotional wellbeing;

• Carers will have more opportunity to live a life outside of caring;

• Carers will be better able to keep going with their caring roles;

• Carers with little support will have more opportunity to access breaks.


 The funding can help with a range of costs associated with short breaks, including transport, accommodation, leisure activities and supported holidays. Applications can be for amounts up to £500.

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