Monday, 11 January 2010

Fife Central Carers Group

The first meeting of the Fife Central Carers Group took place on Friday 8th January with a pretty good turn out considering the weather! We decided that as most of those who come along to the Carers group are also able to come along to the Meeting Point Lunches we aim to have a different flavour to the Carers Group Meetings. Fair enough. What's going to happen at our meetings then?

We thought a few trips out might be good, we're thinking a day out at the Hobbycraft Show later in the year, perhaps a guided tour of local Museums, talks from people with ideas about ways to fill our time productively in a fun way. We also decided that it would be good to have something fun to do here at the centre so we're going to buy a Wii and have a bit of a competition going - I'm a demon at the 100 pin bowling so watch out!

We'd really like to invite any carers who are able to join us to come along on Friday 5th February between 10.30 and 12.30 at Fife Carers Centre - We look forward to seeing you!

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