Monday, 25 January 2010

Mental Welfare Commission Survey for carers and users

The Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland’s first service users’ and carers’ views survey is still live!
If you have used Mental Welfare Commission services they want to know what you think of them.
To complete the survey please click on the link below:
Or on this link if you would like an easy-read version of the survey:
Your answers will be kept private.
You can ask a carer, an advocate, a friend or staff to help you fill in the survey.
The survey closes the 26th of February 2010.
If you have any questions about this survey you can phone Hannah Biggs on 0131 555 5959 or email her on
If you would like more information about the Mental Welfare
Commission, you can call 0800 389 6809 or go to their website,

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